Thursday, March 22, 2007


They are finally over.....

Like a fire breathing dragon it reared its ugly head upon us. It vultured upon our sorry state hovering high with a killer instinct looking down upon its’ preys smelling blood and hoping to extract blood soon. Some fared well whereas some cursed their luck. Some rejoiced in victory whereas some sank deep into the deep, dark sea of despair. May be we (at least I) were partly to be blamed for our this state but I cant help to think that SATAN himself had planed this massacre for us. But Alas! they are finally over. The one good thing I can say surely about all of us is that we all SURVIVED it
Examination times are crucial times this all of know very well. But I have tumbled upon a new discovery in my latest encounter with them. They are also dam FUNNY times.
In a herculean sized hostel like mine where student of all imaginable brain sizes and level of preparation interact you are bound to have your ‘gut-aching’ moment.
IT WAS FUNNY when a certain BATCH TOPPER went to sleep every night, during the exam at sharp 10 pm (even during the CORE ECE papers) and woke up at 9 in the morning. He was genuinely surprised when all of us gasped at this act of horror. Although all of us knew that he was going to get double the marks that any one of us (those who l studied all night long) could possibly get.
IT WAS FUNNY when the coolest stud of our batch decided to sleep out the exam period(not just in his room but also in the examination hall). He confessed ‘One night preparation won’ t do me much good so it is better if I save my energy for the summers’. He and our BATCH TOPPER slept long and well. The irony (again quite funny) was that they were doing the same activity but for reasons that were poles apart.
IT WAS FUNNY when a very superstitious person decided to were the same pair of jeans throughout the examination. His reason was ‘I had worn this pair in the first exam. I had not studied much but did well. It was because of my lucky jeans. So I intend to were it in all my examinations’. All I could think off was that ‘Thank God he had a bath in the first day. This prevented him from coming to the conclusion that not taking a bath was lucky for him. Thus our nostrils were spared from much torture’.
IT WAS certainly FUNNY quiet a lot of times during our examination I just hope that it will still be funny when our results come out.

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