Sunday, February 22, 2009


Every man has his own specialization. Every one of us has certain comfort zones. We all can do some things really well. But once in a while we step out of our comfort zone and try to do something we have never done before. A rush of adrenaline, a misjudgment or simply an intrinsic desire to make a fool of one self may forces one to accept this endeavor. The reasons can me many but once we decide to travel the path less traversed a journey of self discovery awaits. This journey can be daunting, inspiring, confusing, futile or simply a fun filled one. So when I, born with two left legs, decided to do a step or two during our cultural fest life had a few surprises in stored for me.

First things first I CANNOT DANCE.

I can do a lot of other things BUT I CANNOT DANCE.

So I took the plunge fully aware of how bumpy the ride would be. Little did I now it would be even more bumpy.

The first day at practice was the toughest. It was the only time I wanted to give up and thought the end result was not worth this much of effort. But music can tame the beast and dance can excite the dead. So I got more and more excited. Make no mistake about it, dancing is no walk in the park. It is a team effort. One has to remember all the moves, all the facial expressions all the beats and hope that everybody else in your dance group also remembers and does exactly the same moves in exactly the same way and does it in exactly the same moment when you are doing.

So I persevered. We all struggled but I guess time and desire was with us. So after a few setback, numerous trails and much sweat, we gave our auditions got selected and were all set to set the stage on fire.

Before the dance I was not that pumped up. It’s just a five minute dance, how good can it be? But I was dead wrong.

There is a feeling about the stage which is so hard to explain. Once to are up there facing the crowd, hearing the music, dancing your way to glory it is a different feeling all together. Your body becomes numb, you feel no pain, you just want to DANCE. As I was up there performing I had a strange sense of satisfaction. I attempted to do something that was totally new to me, with people many of whom were strangers to me, in conditions that were adverse to me, but I, correction WE pulled it off. Those five minutes were simply magical, may be that’s why we had named our group so. As the songs changed and the music faded I said to myself-“Shit! It’s over”.

Special thanks to my group members for dancing the way they danced.

Thanks to all my friends who were present that night.

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