“Every man is a child and every child is also a man”. Educative and heart stirring lines like this make the 90’s television serial “The Wonder Years”, one of my all time favorites.
It is about The Arnolds’. It tells the story of a Kevin Arnold- his journey through adolescence and is very beautifully set in the backdrops of the late 60’s and early 70’s.
The show much life the time in which it is based is about discovering Life. Narrated by Kevin’s grown up self, it explains the trials, triumphs and turbulence in the life of a teenager.
The show is multifaceted. It talks about all the aspects of life. The struggle of a family to stay united, the dreams and aspirations of parents regarding their children, the struggle of a teenager to cope up with his ever so rapidly changing world, are all depicted through daily events in Kevin’s life.
The show explores the core of human relationships. In every season it tries to explore the dynamic aspects of our fragile existence. The talks about how brothers can be friends, strangers, enemies or simply brothers can be soul touching. It proves that parents always want the best for their children and no matter how big the child becomes he shall always remain his parents’ baby. It explores a daughters attempt to break free and explore the world on her own but at the same time is proves that one’s world lies along his loved ones.
All these lessons are learned and also taught by those who are truly young at heart. Now “when you are 16”, as it is said so frequently in the show, the “ever so invaluable” lessons may seem trivial and the smallest lessons leave a ever lasting impression. This sense of purity allows the show to truly capture life from a teenager’s point of view. This unabashed approach forces viewers to exclaim “this is my story”.
In a way “The Wonder Years” is everybody’s story. It is a story about care, warmth, despair, despises heartbreak, jubilation, victory, defeat, pain, relief. It is a story about LIFE.
“The Wonder Years” most efficiently captures the concept of friendship and love. It is Kevin’s bonding with Paul which proves that everyone needs a confidant a supporter, an adviser, a helper. Everyone needs a best friend. It proves our craving for a true friend and that our life is incomplete without a friend to share it with.
But if I were forced to choose that one relationship which the show epitomizes then it has to be the relationship which a man shares with the women he loves. For the on and off romance of Kevin and Winnie explains heartbreak as well as heartily love to the core. On one hand we had the young and immature love of Kevin and Winnie and on the other we witnessed the silent but undoubting relationship between Kevin’s parents- Jack and Norma.
Jack and Norma’s love was never projected much in the show. It was a calculated act, because their love was like the wind, one could not see it but everyone could feel it. It proves how difficult it is to keep one’s family together but if you develop it with the person you truly love it will b a cakewalk. Jack and Norma fell in love when they were kids and even after so many years Norma still remained Jack’s girl. Their relationship makes you appreciate your parents and applaud them for trying so hard to keep the family together.
On the contrary Kevin and Winnie represented a different kind of love. The two were since as far as memory goes. Winnie was the girl next door and she was the only girl Kevin ever thought of. Their relationship was a journey in which they discovered each other as well as themselves. The fact that in spite of being together for six years the headed their separate ways, truly asserts the reality aspect of the show and proves just how unpredictable life of a teenager is. It says one more thing, live life in the moment. If you are too entangled contemplating about the future you will ruin your present also.
The series finale is heart touching to say the least. It explains Kevin’s final journey his final step towards adulthood. It depicts his parting away from his family, his love, his hometown to explore life on his own, to become a MAN. The series finale reiterates the importance of family values and the significance of friendship. It also explains that no matter how much we oppose it, one day all of us have to leave our comfort zone to explore the outside world.
“Growing up happens it a heartbeat. One moment you are born and the next moment you may be gone”. What matters is the wonderful moments you spend with your loved ones and the lessons that you learn in the process.
I guess there is a reason that I am able to relate so much with the show. I will be soon entering my final year n college, so my WONDER YEARS are all but over. It is time for me to start looking back in WONDER.