It was a long and tiresome journey. The war was bloody to say the least. Much was lost. There was agony and despair, there was sweat and tears; the body became fragile and the heart became weak but when all was said and done I was still standing tall. Now as my reward ‘I finally have it’.
Since long I was cramped for space very literally. The pigeonhole I lived in added new meaning to the term small. Now what was even worse was that I was clubbed into it with another guy. I had to be extra careful all the while. No stretching of hands as I might end up slapping my roommate accidentally, no food in the room else ants may occupy much needed space. It was a war each day.
But I will be lying if I say I didn’t have my share of fun. Sharing a room with two different people for a year each had its moments. The transaction from a quite, inert, lazy roommate to a wild, hyperactive, noisy one was both educative and humorous. The two were very helpful and we did form strong bonds. The pain was tolerable as long as ‘I was supposed to tolerate it’. But things in a way got out of hand. For me Murphy’s Law took over-‘if anything can go wrong it will go wrong’.
As the days went by I started to believe that my days of struggle were numbered but fate took many unfortunate twists. Many people were relieved of their misery I was not, many hostels got created but the one were I was suppose to shift in never got made. Even all my juniors got single rooms but I still had to bear the grunt of life.
But Alas! Lady luck finally smiled on me and I could not have been more relieved. From the spring of 2008 I officially have a single room of my own. Now that I look back the last 30 months may not have been that bad, I may have allowed the situation to get the better of me but the best part is that it is the past.
When I first shifted in she needed a facelift, but I was more than happy to toil because I knew it would be worth it. So finally after much labor I had my prize before me, to savor and to celebrate.
All this taught me one thing, no matter how difficult and dark the journey is there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and if you know this before hand the journey wont b that difficult either.