Any guesses my readers what is this...bidu+ism or jst biduism....
well your guess is as good as keep trying i aint leting you know as of now
A TAKE ON LIFE...why??
i ask why not...we all may be as distinct and as varied as our DNA strands but one thing is undenayable we all live LIVES.
A extremly simple statement but it single handedly describes fully what we are.We are what we live to be.....
The reason why i am doing this is that each and every day something special occurs which makes me feel how simple and at the same time mysterious life really is.This single moment forces me to reflect,introspect and admire LIFE.
But i must confess this moment doesnt stay with me for long,it may move me but never changes me.So i guess it is strong but not strong enough.I have heard wise people say 'in life comes that one magical moment,that moment which affect you the most and makes you what you eventually become'.Well GOD has always had had different plans for me,this time also there is no exception.Instead of the entire package he is sending me my MAGICAL moment in installments,and he has already started mailing.
So this blog.......
MY take on life.i write what i feel.I share my life,my passions,my desires,my success,my failures,my MAGICAL moment.I am doing this for one person only...ME.I wish to learn and improve.You all are invited to be my companions in this journey.But plz remember i am only human,laible to be wrong.i intend to share not to PREACH.....This is what i feel,it is not neccesarily right.
So read on and if any of my writing make you think,make you reflect back into your own life then i certainly will be an happy man,and if they disgust you then it's your problem not MINE.......